Corporate by TemplateFusion

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Latest Projects

Here are some of our corporations latest projects. This is just filler text by the way and you can easily replace it with whatever you want in any html editing program.

Corporate - A Free CSS Template by

This is a free css template released by TemplateFusion for personal or commercial use. It was creating using a template from Zymic as a basis. It is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Canada License. That pretty much means you can use it in any way you want, but you must have "attribution" to TemplateFusion, in the form of a link in your footer. This may not be removed under any circumstance.

Some Extra Formatting Code Examples

Image and text

Template Fusion - Free CSS templates If you want to align an image to the right or the left of your text, simply add class="float-right" or class="float-left" in your <img> tag. If you want to align DIV or <P> tags to anything, simply add class="align-left", or class="align-right" to your <p> or <div> tag.


A blockquote is meant to seperate a quote or important part of text from the main text body. A stylish blockquote does that with flair.


code-sample {
font-family:Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
margin: 15px; padding: 0 0 0 20px;

Table Styling

post date title description
04.18.2007 Augue non nibh Lobortis commodo metus vestibulum
04.18.2007 Fusce ut diam bibendum Purus in eget odio in sapien
04.18.2007 Maecenas et ipsum Adipiscing blandit quisque eros
04.18.2007 Sed vestibulum blandit Cras lobortis commodo metus lorem

Example Form